Uniquely Qualified

As a bilingual mediator and certified interpreter, Mr. Manzanera may be uniquely qualified to bridge gaps within Mount Vernon, bringing more voices together for the benefit of our city.
“I want to listen to the needs of all community members and work for the benefit of all residents.”

Modern & More Inclusive City

As a City Council member, Jorge Manzanera wants to build Mount Vernon into a modern, more inclusive city where all community members benefit from growth and prosperity.

Mr. Manzanera believes we need focused efforts by the council to address adequate housing, public safety and education to ensure Mount Vernon becomes a great place to raise all families.

A Passionate Advocate

Jorge Manzanera holds a Master’s in Administration. As a professional mediator, he is exceptionally qualified to bring people with diverse interests together to find mutually beneficial solutions.

Mr. Manzanera is involved throughout Mount Vernon as a passionate advocate and volunteer. In 2016 he served on the Mount Vernon Citizens Advisory Committee to update the city’s Comprehensive Plan.